| 1. | Clinic anatomical feature of the blood vessels of the brain of fetal cadavers with more frequency of cerebral palsy 脑性瘫痪高患病率胎尸脑血管临床解剖学特征 |
| 2. | We will explore these distinctive anatomical features and determine the how much strength each animal possesses 由于两种动物都靠捕捉猎物为生,而到底哪种动物的牙齿和趾爪比较利害? |
| 3. | All these anatomical features have important implications in clinical surgery and endovascular interventional treatment 了解枕下海绵窦的解剖学特点对于指导临床外科手术和血管内介入治疗具有重要意义。 |
| 4. | Despite these differences , he continued , the anatomical features of their bones ? the shapes , joints and muscle attachments ? showed them to be reptiles 欧文爵士继续说,尽管有上述这些不同, ?们骨骼的解剖构造,包括形状、关节以及肌肉连接骨骼的方式,都显示?们是爬行类。 |
| 5. | Liu et wu . as a result , anatomical characteristics of foliar and wood showed a remarkable inter - and intra - specific variation , but the interspecific changes in leaf surface and leaf anatomical features indicated a clustery trend 结果表明,各解剖特征的种间和种内差异较为显著,叶表面结构特征和叶解剖特征的种间变化显示了一定的规律性。 |
| 6. | Semiquantitative analysis of lignin content in the culm by confocal laser scanning microscopy ( clsm ) showed that lignin contents are elevated in lodging - resistant varieties and this together with the anatomical features may provide higher culm strength resulting in increased lodging - resistance 因此,在超高产小麦品种的选育上,重视外源基因的引进,改进茎秆的结构特性及提高其木质素含量,可能是一个重要的选育方向。 |
| 7. | Abstract objective to list the commonly used terms to describe the anatomy of temporal region , provide a detailed review of the anatomical features , and make a new research on the intraoperative strategies in temporal region to optimize the dissection and minimize the possibility of potential injury to the frontotemporal branches of facial nerve 摘要目的列举常用的描述颞区解剖的术语,对颞区的解剖学特点进行详尽研究,并探讨颞区手术的策略,以优化颞区解剖策略,尽可能减少面神经额颞支损伤的机会。 |
| 8. | In this project , culms of lodging - sensitive and lodging - resistant varieties of wheat ( triticum aestivum l ) were compared at the morphological level to determine the anatomical features that are associated with these traits . this analysis revealed that lodging resistant culms are short , possess thicker mechanical tissue , and had larger vascular bundles 首先以不同品种的小麦为实验材料,对其主要非叶器官?茎秆,从解剖结构、木质素含量、以及抗倒伏的力学特性等方面做了详细的比较研究。 |
| 9. | Still a skeletonized whole - body model was created for showing free styles of poses , such as surgical pose . through this part of study , a framework of the platform was established based on the achievement of vch . in this platform many operations and abnormal anatomical features could be lively simulated 本部分的研究,成功构建了一个以vch为基础的三维诊疗平台的雏形,对多种手术操作和病理解剖特征可以进行非常形象的模拟和展示,为vch在临床医学领域的应用模式进行了有益的探索。 |